Sunday, April 9, 2017

Rant: A line FAIL


 The A line from downtown Denver to the airport encountered a problem that no one in the world has ever encountered before - the train tracks must cross busy streets.  Railroads have been around 200 years but they have never before had to cross highways! (Sarcasm)  Because of this unique problem, they invented a unique solution called "positive train control".  This involves sensors on the train sending signals to a satellite 23000 miles overhead, which then sends them to a network operation center, which then sends a radio signal to a crossing arm to close.  The problem is - it doesn't work.

So they have to have 2 crossing guards each at all 10 stops along the line, 24 hours per day to stand in front of the trains when they cross.  And they sometimes have off-duty cops posted at the crossings as well.

How about putting sensors in the tracks that will detect when the train approaches and have then have them connected via wire to the crossing arms?  Naw, that's too simple.  Instead we want to use GPS, satellites, and wireless internet and all the latest technology.

Who is to blame for this mess?  Nobody - it's certainly not RTD's fault, they had nothing to do with it (sarcasm).  At least they aren't accepting any.  Instead, they keep asking waivers from the Federal Railroad Administration. Maybe it is the contractors fault, or Congress's, for mandating the flawed technology.

See also:  Ten Problems with RTD's Trains.

Update:  RTD spends $6 million per year at these intersections - $4.3 million for police and $1.5 million for crossing guards.

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